Resource list
Here are a few of our favorite resources we recommend exploring to learn more.
Centers for Disease Control-Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Coping with Depression-HelpGuide.org
Depression and How Therapy Can Help
Bipolar Disorder
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
National Alliance on Mental Illness-Bipolar Disorder
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
National Institute on drug Abuse
Autism Spectrum Disorder
National Institute of Mental Health Autism Spectrum Disorder
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities Association of America
Understood for Learning and Attention Issues
Grief and Loss
National Alliance for Grieving Children
Social Emotional Learning
Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning